How Long for Babby Green Sea to Hach How Long for Baby Green Sea to Hack

A turtle egg (in Java Edition) or sea turtle egg (in Boulder Edition) is a block that hatches 1 or more babe turtles.


  • 1 Obtaining
    • Breaking
    • 1.2 Convenance
  • 2 Trampling
  • 3 Usage
    • three.1 Placement
    • 3.2 Hatching
  • 4 Sounds
    • four.i Generic
    • 4.2 Unique
  • v Data values
    • 5.i ID
    • five.2 Block states
  • 6 History
  • 7 Bug
  • eight Trivia
  • 9 Gallery
  • 10 Notes
  • 11 References

Obtaining [ ]

Breaking [ ]

Turtle eggs tin be obtained in the inventory using tools with the Silk Touch enchantment. If broken without the enchantment, pushed past a piston, or a player or gravity-affected cake falls onto it, the egg breaks without dropping anything.

Breaking a cracked turtle egg with a Silk Impact tool resets the growth stage when the egg is placed on a different block.

Cake Turtle Egg
Hardness 0.5
Breaking time (secs)
Default 0.75

Convenance [ ]

After 2 turtles are bred with seagrass, one of them travels dorsum to its home beach, digs in the sand, and lays an egg block with 1–iv eggs after several seconds. Meet hatching mechanics below.

2 husks breaking turtle eggs by stepping on the eggs and trampling them.

Trampling [ ]

Turtle eggs tin exist trampled by living entities (players, mobs, livestock, etc.) that fall onto or stand on top of them. Eggs in a multi-egg cake are trampled one at a fourth dimension until no eggs remain. End crystals can also intermission turtle eggs if they explode.

An entity falling onto an egg has a 1/3 chance of trampling the egg and an entity standing on meridian of an egg has a 1/100 run a risk per tick of trampling the egg.

Eggs cannot exist trampled past a crouch-walking (or "sneaking") player. Though eggs cannot exist trampled by non-living entities like arrows, they can be trampled by armor stands. When a falling block such as an anvil or sand block is dropped onto an egg, the falling cake is dropped and turned into an item leaving the egg unharmed.

Zombies and their variants (husks, drowned, and zombified piglins) seek out and trample turtle eggs that have two blocks of air above them unless /gamerule mobGriefing is faux. The range of detection is a 24x7x24‌[ JE only ] or 11x5x11‌[ BE only ] surface area (counted from the block the mob is standing on). When a role player in Survival or Adventure Game-mode is nearby (likewise includes iron golems and villagers), the zombie prefers to set on the player rather than trampling the turtle egg.

Mobs do non seek out to trample turtle eggs, other than zombies and their variants, only still may break them by blow.

Turtles cannot break turtle eggs, even when on them.

Usage [ ]

Placement [ ]

Up to 4 turtle eggs can be placed in one cake and slowly hatch into turtles. Though turtle eggs can exist placed on any block, they just hatch on sand blocks.

Turtle eggs do non require a supporting block beneath and unlike dragon eggs are non affected by gravity. Eggs are besides capable of supporting lanterns hanging nether them.[1]

Hatching [ ]

Turtle eggs hatch on sand and red sand. Eggs crack over time and hatch after cracking 3 times. Eggs hatch significantly faster at nighttime.

Turtle eggs have a very depression chance of cracking during random ticks during the day (1/500 chance). However, they are almost guaranteed to crack during random ticks between 21600 and 22550 ticks in-game time (iii:36 am and 4:33 am). This is a roughly 48-second window for the thespian. About 95% of eggs cleft or hatch during this dark-fourth dimension window. On average, an egg hatches in iv-5 nights. 90% of eggs hatch in 7 nights or less.[two]

When a multi-egg cake hatches, all eggs hatch simultaneously.

Eggs do not progress toward hatching if the player is non inside 128 blocks of the egg. This is due to the egg's chunk not being loaded and not receiving random ticks.

Sounds [ ]

Generic [ ]

Java Edition:

Audio Subtitles Source Description Resource location Translation key Volume Pitch Attenuation
Block broken Blocks Once the block has broken block.metal.break subtitles.block.generic.intermission 1.0 1.2 16
None [sound 1] Blocks Falling on the cake with fall damage block.metal.autumn None [sound i] 0.5 1.25 16
Block breaking Blocks While the block is in the process of being cleaved block.metal.hit subtitles.cake.generic.hit 0.25 0.75 16
Cake placed Blocks When the block is placed 1.0 1.2 sixteen
Footsteps Blocks Walking on the cake block.metal.step subtitles.block.generic.footsteps 0.15 1.five xvi
  1. a b MC-177082

Bedrock Edition: [ needs in-game testing ]

Sound Source Description Resource location Volume Pitch
? ? Once the block has broken dig.metallic ? 1.2
? ? Falling on the cake with fall damage fall.metallic ? ?
? ? While the block is in the procedure of beingness broken hit.metal ? 0.75
? ? Jumping from the block jump.metallic ? ?
? ? Falling on the cake without fall damage land.metal ? ?
? ? Walking on the block pace.metallic ? ?
? ? When the block is placed utilise.metal ? 1.2

Unique [ ]

Coffee Edition:

Sound Subtitles Source Description Resources location Translation central Volume Pitch Attenuation
Turtle Egg hatches ? The egg hatches entity.turtle.egg_hatch[3] subtitles.entity.turtle.egg_hatch[3] ? ? 16
Turtle Egg cracks ? The eggs changes hatching state entity.turtle.egg_crack[3] subtitles.entity.turtle.egg_crack[iii] ? ? 16
Turtle Egg breaks ? The egg breaks entity.turtle.egg_break[three] subtitles.entity.turtle.egg_break[iii] ? ? 16
Turtle Egg stomped ? Plays when zombies[ verify ] stomp eggs entity.zombie.destroy_egg subtitles.entity.zombie.destroy_egg ? ? 16

Information values [ ]

ID [ ]

Java Edition:

Name Identifier Grade Translation primal
Turtle Egg turtle_egg Block & Item block.minecraft.turtle_egg

Bedrock Edition:

Name Identifier Numeric ID Course Item ID[i i] Translation key
Sea Turtle Egg turtle_egg 414 Cake & Giveable Particular[i 2] Identical[i 3]
  1. ID of cake'southward direct detail form, which is used in savegame files and addons.
  2. Available with /give command
  3. The block's direct particular class has the same id with the block.

Block states [ ]

Java Edition:

Proper name Default value Allowed values Description
eggs 1 1
Number of eggs.
hatch 0 0
Determines how close an egg is to hatching; starts at 0 and is randomly incremented.

Bedrock Edition:

Name Metadata Bits Default value Allowed values Values for
Metabeta Bits
turtle_egg_count 0x1
one_egg one_egg
Number of eggs.
cracked_state 0x4
no_cracks no_cracks
Determines how close an egg is to hatching; starts at no cracks and is randomly incremented.

History [ ]

Java Edition
1.13 18w07a Turtle Egg 1 JE1.png Turtle Egg 2 JE1.png Turtle Egg 3 JE1.png Turtle Egg 4 JE1.png Added turtle eggs.
Turtle Egg (item) JE1 BE1.png Turtle eggs currently render iii-dimensional in the inventory.
18w11a Added drowned, which like zombies and their variants, seek out and trample turtle eggs.
18w19a Turtle Egg (item) JE2 BE2.png Turtle eggs at present display as a 2D sprite in the inventory.
18w22a If the player is inside the hitbox of ane turtle egg, and another is attempted to be placed, the placement fails.
Turtle eggs now make placement sounds when the amount in a stack is increased.
More turtle eggs than normal can be placed in ane stack by aiming at adjacent blocks.
i.14 19w03c Turtle egg clusters at present use right cullface arguments, with the exception of 4 turtle eggs, which yet renders a redundant face.
19w08a Turtle Egg 1.png Turtle Egg 1 (Slightly cracked).png Turtle Egg 1 (Very cracked).png Turtle Egg 2.png Turtle Egg 2 (Slightly cracked).png Turtle Egg 2 (Very cracked).png Turtle Egg 3.png Turtle Egg 3 (Slightly cracked).png Turtle Egg 3 (Very cracked).png Turtle Egg 4 (Slightly cracked).png Turtle Egg 4 (Very cracked).png The model of turtle eggs has been changed, as to not have a stretched texture.[4]
1.sixteen Pre-release 3 Turtle eggs now hatch on red sand.[v]
Bedrock Edition
i.5.0 beta 1.v.0.4 Turtle Egg 1.png Turtle Egg 1 (Slightly cracked).png Turtle Egg 1 (Very cracked).png Turtle Egg 2.png Turtle Egg 2 (Slightly cracked).png Turtle Egg 2 (Very cracked).png Turtle Egg 3.png Turtle Egg 3 (Slightly cracked).png Turtle Egg 3 (Very cracked).png Turtle Egg 4.png Turtle Egg 4 (Slightly cracked).png Turtle Egg 4 (Very cracked).png Turtle Egg (item) JE1 BE1.png Added bounding main turtle eggs.
1.11.0 beta Ravagers tin can now destroy turtle eggs in their path.
1.xiii.0 beta 1.xiii.0.ix Turtle Egg (item) JE2 BE2.png Turtle eggs at present display as a 2D sprite in the inventory.
Legacy Console Edition
TU69 1.76 Patch 38 Turtle Egg 1.png Turtle Egg 1 (Slightly cracked).png Turtle Egg 1 (Very cracked).png Turtle Egg 2.png Turtle Egg 2 (Slightly cracked).png Turtle Egg 2 (Very cracked).png Turtle Egg 3.png Turtle Egg 3 (Slightly cracked).png Turtle Egg 3 (Very cracked).png Turtle Egg 4.png Turtle Egg 4 (Slightly cracked).png Turtle Egg 4 (Very cracked).png Turtle Egg (item) JE1 BE1.png Added sea turtle eggs.

Issues [ ]

Issues relating to "Turtle Egg" are maintained on the bug tracker. Report problems there.

Trivia [ ]

  • Turtle eggs cannot be trampled by bats, however, they tin can be trampled by other flying mobs such as bees.
  • Babies ever hatch facing southward.
  • The particular forms of turtle eggs and diamonds have the same shape.

Gallery [ ]

Notes [ ]

References [ ]

  1. MC-169684
  3. a b c d e f MC-177458
  4. MC-129855
  5. MC-185616


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